Frekuensi Konsumsi Junk Food pada Pasien Ca Payudara di Ruang Bedah RSAL dr. Ramelan Surabaya

Widayanti, Dini Mei and Sasmita, Aprillia (2017) Frekuensi Konsumsi Junk Food pada Pasien Ca Payudara di Ruang Bedah RSAL dr. Ramelan Surabaya. In: Proceeding HEFA (Health Event for All). Stikes Cendekia Utama Kudus, Surabaya, pp. 156-161. ISBN 2581-2270

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ABSTRACT Junk food is food that contains the amount of fat, salt, high sugar, but limited nutritional content. The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between the frequency of consumption of junk food to stage Ca mammae in adults patients. The research design was a descriptive with cross sectional approach. The independent variable is the frequency of junk food consumption and the dependent variable is stage Ca mammae. Samples were taken using simple random sampling as many as 40 patients Ca mammae in the surgical room RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. The data were collected using FFQ questionnaire and observation sheet. Data were analyzed using Spearman's test with significance level p < 0,05. The results showed that the higher the frequency of consumption of junk food, the higher the stage Ca mammae. Frequency of consumption of junk food a low average as many as 27 people (67,5%) and stage of Ca mammae stage 2A average of 11 people (27,5%). The results showed the frequency consumption of junk food associated with stage Ca mammae (p = 0,001). The implication of this study is the frequency of junk food consumption associated with stage Ca mammae, because the content of junk food will affect the carcinogen substances in the body that can trigger the occurrence of cancer. Nurses in the surgical room should conduct health education on a healthy diet in order to reduce the consumption of junk food. Keywords : Junk Food, stage Ca mammae, Ca mammae ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTISARI Junk food adalah makanan yang mengandung jumlah lemak, garam, gula yang tinggi, tetapi kandungan nutrisinya terbatas. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan frekuensi konsumsi junk food terhadap stadium Ca payudara pada pasien usia dewasa. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel independen yaitu frekuensi konsumsi junk food dan variabel dependen yaitu stadium Ca payudara. Sampel diambil menggunakan simple random sampling sebanyak 40 pasien Ca payudara di ruang bedah RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner FFQ dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman dengan tingkat kemaknaan p < 0,05.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin tinggi frekuensi konsumsi junk food maka semakin tinggi stadium Ca payudara. Frekuensi konsumsi junk food rata­rata rendah sebanyak 27 orang (67,5%) dan stadium Ca payudara rata­rata stadium 2A sebanyak 11 orang (27,5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan frekuensi konsumsi junk food berhubungan dengan stadium Ca payudara (p = 0,001). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah frekuensi konsumsi junk food berhubungan dengan stadium Ca payudara, karena kandungan makanan junk food akan berdampak menjadi zat karsinogen didalam tubuh yang memicu terjadinya kanker. Perawat di ruang bedah seharusnya melakukan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai pola makan yang sehat agar dapat mengurangi konsumsi makanan junk food. Kata Kunci : Junk food, Stadium Kanker Payudara, Kanker Payudara

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Medicine
Depositing User: Dini Mei Widayanti
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2020 00:22
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2020 00:22

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