Relationship Of Functional Status Depression Level In Stroke Patient In RSUD Sidoarjo

Nuh, Huda and Yatinde, Rizka Hardiyanti (2014) Relationship Of Functional Status Depression Level In Stroke Patient In RSUD Sidoarjo. In: The 1st International Nursing Conference (INC). Stikes Hang Tuah Surabaya, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-9030-57-0

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Abstract Background : Activity disorder causes patients feel inadequate and helpless so it causes a decrease in self-esteem and depression. The object of this study was to analyze the relationship between the functional status of the level of depression in stroke patients in hospitals Sidoarjo. Methods: The study design was correlational, Cross-Sectional approach. Its population is all stroke patients who are in hospitals Sidoarjo numbered 143 people. Samples were taken by Purposive Sampling technique, so we get 104 people who meet the inclusion criteria. Data collection was conducted using observational sheets and questionnaires. Data were analyzed with statistical tests Spearman rho (ρ <0,05). The results: based on the functional status of the respondents were able to perform activities independently 4 people, 16 people suffered minor dependent, addicted are 60 people, 22 people suffered severe dependence, and dependence experienced a total of 2 people. Based on respondents' levels of depression were not depressed 10 people, 59 people suffered minor depression and major depression 32. Statistical test results obtained through ρ = 0.000. These results can be concluded that there is a functional relationship status with the level of depression in stroke patients. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study should be nurses can apply optimal nursing care to improve the impaired functional status and prevent depression in stroke patients. Keywords: Functional Status, Depression, stroke patients

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences > School of Medicine
Depositing User: Nuh Huda
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2019 02:46
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2019 02:46

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