Items where Division is "School of Medicine" and Year is
Arini, Diyah The influence of classical music therapy to decrease the intensity of pain during the invasive procedure in children within 6-12 years old in RSUD Sidoarjo. In: The First ICON (International Conference on Nursing). UB Press, Malang. ISBN 978-602-203-745-3
Norfitasari, Vivin and Budiarti, Astrida and Hastuti, Puji Differences In The Level Of Knowledge After Health Education on The Handling of Dysmenorrhoea in Teenager Women In SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya. In: Proceeding 9th International Nursing Conference Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga. Unair, Surabaya, pp. 366-369. ISBN 1413536244
Nuh, Huda and Yatinde, Rizka Hardiyanti Relationship Of Fuctional Status Depresion Level In Stroke Patients In RSUD Sidoarjo. Universitas Negeri Jember. ISSN 978-602-9030-57-0 (Submitted)
Nurlela, Lela and Rachmawati, Dhian Satya and Agustiasari, Fajri INTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING PARENTING RELATIONSHIP OF EVENTS IN SIBLING RIVALRY EARLY CHILHOOD EDUCATION (PAUD) CEMARA NGAGEL TIRTO 31 SURABAYA. In: The Proceeding Book 2nd International Nursing Conference Developing Cross–C ultural Understanding and Behavior in Nursi ng Care Services. 2, 2 (5). ISBN 978-602-72856-1-3
Rachmawati, Dhian Satya and Susanti, Ari and Meiningrum, Marlina THE DECREASE OF DEPRESSION LEVEL IN ELDERLY WITH COOKING GROUP THERAPY AS MODALITY THERAPY IN PANTI WERDHA SURABAYA. In: Proceeding of Surabaya International Health Conference., Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, pp. 445-454. ISBN 978-602-60139-5-8