Items where Subject is "RJ Pediatrics"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 20.


Arini, Diyah and Otok, Bambang Widjanarko and Ernawati, Dwi (2016) The Modeling of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (Rti) On Children 6-12 Months with Multinomial Logit Approach. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 6 (9). ISSN 2090-4304

Ernawati, Dwi and Hastuti, Puji and Rachmawati, Dhian Satya and Susanti, Ari and Yuliastuti, Christina and Widyastuti, Merina and Mahmudah, Mieke Izzatul (2018) The Relationship of Socio-Economic and Genetic Factors with Toddler Stunting at Kenjeran Public Health Center Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (11). pp. 111-115. ISSN 0976-0245

Ernawati, Dwi and Hastuti, Puji and Rachmawati, Dhian Satya and Susanti, Ari and Yuliastuti, Christina and Widyastuti, Merina and Mahmudah, Mieke Izzatul (2018) The Relationship of Socio-Economic and Genetic Factors with Toddler Stunting at Kenjeran Public Health Center Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (11). pp. 1792-1796. ISSN 0976-5506

Qori'ila, Saidah and Yudi, Handoko and Nur, Chabibah and Anik, Rustini Sri and Nuh, Huda and Priyantini, Dwi and Widayanti, Dini Mei (2018) The Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 1–3 Years Old Based On Food Processing Techniques In Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (11). pp. 211-214. ISSN 0976-5506


Saidah, Qori'ila and Chabibah, Nur and Malfarian, Yuanita Putri Adi (2017) HUBUNGAN SANITASI MAKANAN DENGAN STATUS GIZI ANAK USIA TODDLER DI KELURAHAN KENJERAN KECAMATAN BULAK SURABAYA. Prosiding HEFA (Health Even for All)Publikasi hasil riset kesehatan untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa.. pp. 442-448. ISSN ISSN 2581 - 2270

Saidah, Qori'ila and Chabibah, Nur and Utomo, Budi Dwi P (2017) FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI REMAJA DALAM MENGKONSUMSI MIRAS DI WILAYAH WIYUNG - SURABAYA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Seri Ke-1 : Membangun Masyarakat Sehat Sejahtera Menuju Pencapaian SDG's. 46-50-5. ISSN ISBN: 978-602-51139-0-1

Saidah, Qori'ila and Handoko, Yudi and Chabibah, Nur and Rustini, Sri Anik and Huda, Nuh and Priyantini, Dwi and Widayanti, Dini Mei (2018) The Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 1–3 Years Old Based On Food Processing Techniques In Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research, 9 (11). pp. 211-214. ISSN 0976-0245 (Print) 0976-5506 (Electronic)

Saidah, Qori'ila and Handoko, Yudi and Chabibah, Nur and Rustini, Sri Anik and Huda, Nuh and Priyantini, Dwi and Widayanti, Dini Mei (2018) The Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 1–3 Years Old Based On Food Processing Techniques In Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (11). pp. 211-214. ISSN 0976-5506

Widayanti, Dini Mei (2011) Hubungan Pemberian Susu Botol Menjelang Tidur Dengan Kejadian Karies Gigi Pada Balita (2-4 Tahun) Di Paud Melati Kelurahan Kandangan Kecamatan Benowo Surabaya. Jurnal Aiptinakes Jatim, 1 (1). pp. 12-22. ISSN 2088-9798

Widayanti, Dini Mei and Otok, Bambang Widjanarko and Nurlela, Lela (2016) The Influence of Kangaroo Motherboard Care (KMC) against breast milk production, bounding attachment and the status baby sleep in hospital dr. Ramelan Surabaya using partial square (PLS). Journal of Applied Environment and Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 9 (10). pp. 81-86. ISSN 2090-4215

Book Section

Arini, Diyah and Eka, Lailiyah Indri (2015) THE RELATIONSHIP OF INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (IQ)WITH SOCIAL PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN. In: Proceeding Book : The 1st International Nursing Conference. LPPM STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 68-74. ISBN 978-602-72856-0-6

Dekawati, Resti and Sya'diyah, Hidayatus (2015) Effect Of Mixed Water Lime And Soy Sauce In The Healing Cough Of Toddler. In: Proceeding Book : The 1st International Nursing Conference. Stikes Hang Tuah Press, Surabaya.

Nurlela, Lela and Rachmawati, Dhian Satya and Agustiasari, Fajri INTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING PARENTING RELATIONSHIP OF EVENTS IN SIBLING RIVALRY EARLY CHILHOOD EDUCATION (PAUD) CEMARA NGAGEL TIRTO 31 SURABAYA. In: The Proceeding Book 2nd International Nursing Conference Developing Cross–C ultural Understanding and Behavior in Nursi ng Care Services. 2, 2 (5). ISBN 978-602-72856-1-3

Saidah, Qori'ila (2017) FEEDING RESPONSE NEONATES BASED ON GESTATIONAL AGE, HYPOGLYCEMIA, HYPERBILIRUBNEMIA AND INFECTION IN SURABAYA. In: Proceeding Surabaya International Health Conference Universitas Nahdhatul Ulama Surabaya. Unusa, Universitas Mahdhatul Ulama, pp. 481-487. ISBN ISBN : 978-602-60139-5-8

Saidah, Qori'ila (2014) THE RELATIONSHIP OF FEEDING PATTERN AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN UNDER 5-YEARS OLD CHILDREN BY USE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF CHILDHOOD ILLNES (IMCI) IN SURABAYA. In: The First International Nursing Conference Increasing Role of Nurse in The Era of Globalization Through Inter-Professional Collaboration in The Perspective of Agricultural Nursing School of Nursing Jember. UPT Penerbitan Unej, Univertitas Jember, p. 45. ISBN ISBN : 978-602-9030-0 9 November 2014

Saidah, Qori'ila (2016) The correlation of age and sex with delinquency behavior in preschooler at kindergarden shcool in surabaya. In: The Proceeding of 7th International Nursing Conference 'Global Nursing Chalenges In The Free Trade Area. The Proceeding of 7th International Nursing Conference, - (7th). Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga, Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga, pp. 397-402. ISBN ISSN 2407-0629

Saidah, Qori'ila and Ningsih, Atik (2015) EFFECTIVITY OF BUBBLE CPAP TO DOWN SCORE IN NEONATES WITH SEVERE RDS. In: Proceeding The 1st International Nursing Conference – Complementary Nursing Issues and Update in 2015 – STKES Hang Tuah Surabaya. Proceeding International Nursing Conference, - (1). STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 383-393. ISBN ISBN : 978-602-72856-0-6

Saidah, Qori'ila and Rinarto, NIsha Dharmayanti and Rahmawaty, Nur Indah (2016) AFFECTING FACTORS OF THE ACNE VULGARIS INCIDENCE IN BACHELOR STUDENT OF STIKES HANG TUAH SURABAYA. In: The Proceeding Book The 2nd International Nursing Conference STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya "Developing Cross-Cultural Understanding and Behavior In Nursing Services. Proceeding International Nursing Conference, - (2nd). STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 162-172. ISBN ISBN 978-602-72856-1-3

Sya'diyah, Hidayatus and Alfianti, Nur Fadilah (2016) ANALISED BULLYING TO SELF-ESTEEM FOR YUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. In: Proceeding International Conference : Maternal, Child, and Familly Health 2016. Unusa Press. ISBN 978-602-72856-0-6

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